
Medical Facials

Medical cosmetic services​

Combined package offers

Exosome therapy

Exosome therapy

Exosome therapy Exosome therapy Exosomes are gaining more and more attention as a noteworthy ingredient in the cosmetic industry. Exosomes are small vesicles produced inside cells that play a role in intercellular communication. Exosomes in cosmetics can provide...

Glow skin therapy

Glow skin therapy

Az arcszobrászat technikájának lényege, hogy a teljes arcra fókuszál és nem a részletekre. Nem egy-egy ráncra, hanem az egész arc fiatalos volumenének visszaállítására koncentrál. A kor előrehaladtával arcunk veszít tónusából, bőrünk petyhüdtebbnek tűnik, vonásaink fiatalos formája, feszessége elvés…

Hydra Touch

Hydra Touch

Az orvos-kozmetika egyik leginnovatívabb kezelése a Hydra Touch, amely komplex problémákra kínál megoldást és hatékonyan tartja fiatalon a bőrt. A Hydra Touch rendszer kíméletesen – és fájdalommentesen – tisztít és táplálja az arcbőrt, így minden korosztálynak és bőrtípusnak remek választás.

Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel

Chemical PeelAcid exfoliation is one of the most effective cosmetic treatments of our time, for all those who struggle with aesthetic changes in certain parts of their body (pigment spots, small wrinkles, scars, rosacea). Most often we treat the face, neck, décolleté...

Vivace RF microneedling

Vivace RF microneedling

Vivace RF microneedlingVivace is the latest generation of radiofrequency microneedle skin rejuvenation procedures. This minimally invasive treatment stimulates the natural production of collagen in the skin and connective tissue, has been shown to be effective in...

Dermastir Luxury Skincare

Dermastir Luxury Skincare

The Dermastir Luxury collection offers treatment rituals that can radically reduce the signs of aging. Dermastir Luxury cosmetics Dermastir Caviar luxury cosmetics are the products of the French-Italian AltaCare pharmaceutical and dermocosmetics manufacturer. The products of the cosmetics business c…

Zo® Skin Health skin treatments

Zo® Skin Health skin treatments

Zo® Skin Health skin treatmentsRevolutionary Zo® Skin Health rejuvenating treatments with real results.ZO® Skin products offer comprehensive solutions for creating and maintaining healthy skin structure, regardless of age, ethnicity, unique skin condition or skin...

Carbon peeling

Carbon peeling

Carbon peelingIf you have oily, acne-prone skin, scars, blackheads or just want to slow down the ageing process, but don't want fractional laser treatment - because you're scared of it or can't recover for a week - we recommend the Carbon Peel treatment.What is Carbon...

Hair removal

Hair removal

Permanent hair removalUnwanted hair can cause a lot of discomfort, but laser treatment can provide a permanent solution, eliminating the inconvenience of hair removal.The hair removal laser emits a high-energy, monochromatic light beam that is absorbed by the melanin...

Pigmentation Spots with IPL Flash Light Treatment

Pigmentation Spots with IPL Flash Light Treatment

IPL against pigment spots and agingSay Goodbye to Pigmentation Spots with IPL Flash Light Treatment! Dark pigmentation spots are the result of sun damage, and anyone who has them wants to get rid of them. The good news is that with IPL, we can eliminate them whether...