Makeup Tattoo
Cosmetic and Medical Tattooing
Cosmetic and medical tattooing has made significant advancements in recent years, with new techniques opening up a range of previously unseen possibilities. It is no longer limited to eyebrow, lip, and eyeliner tattoos but can provide solutions for a variety of issues.
Cosmetic Tattooing
Cosmetic tattooing is a semi-permanent solution for emphasizing and beautifying facial features, lasting 2-3 years. This is advantageous because the tattoo does not smudge or discolor due to UV exposure. Another reason is the frequent changes in makeup trends. While thin eyebrows were recently in fashion, thick eyebrows are now trendy. Therefore, we can renew our look every few years, allowing the tattoo to follow not only trends but also changes in our personality.
Covering up old permanent makeup
A mai púderes technikával készült szemöldökről vagy a „szempilladúsító”, finom szemhéjtusról meg sem lehet mondani, hogy tetoválva van, annyira természetes hatást kelt. Egy idejétmúlt, kopott tetoválásnál előfordulhat az is, hogy csúnyán megfakul, vagy megváltozik a szín: a feketéből kékes árnyalat lesz, a barnából szürke vagy vörös. A szájtetoválás válhat elavulttá azért is, mert túl vastag a kontúr vagy élénk a szín, a tartós szemhéjtus-tetkó pedig olykor „megfolyhat” a pigment-migráció miatt. Egy csúnya, előnytelen sminktetoválás rontja az életminőséget, de egy jó szakember erre is tud megoldást, ugyanis a lézer mellett ma már egyszerűbben is meg lehet szabadulni a régi tartós sminktől. Ilyenkor egy enzimmel megyünk át a régi tetováláson, ez az anyag ugyanis hatékonyan kioldja a bőrből a benne levő pigmenteket. Az eljárás ugyanolyan, mint mikor tetoválunk, csak itt festék helyett ezt az anyagot juttatjuk a bőr mélyebb rétegeibe. Makacs tetoválásoknál több alkalomra is szükség lehet, de ha elég pigmentet vontunk ki, már rá lehet tetoválni. A tetováló újrarajzolhatja a szemöldököt, szájat és szemhéjtust, vagy akár el is tüntetheti a bőrszínű festék segítségével.
Dark circles
Many women are bothered by dark circles under their eyes, but tattooing offers a solution for this as well. This technique is relatively new, but due to its beautiful results, it has already become extremely popular.
Pigmenthiány, vitiligo
If you have white spots due to pigment deficiency instead of dark spots, this technique can help with that too. For people suffering from vitiligo, covering the white spots on their face and hands with pigment-correcting tattoos significantly improves their quality of life.
I am the official distributor of Hanami pigments in Hungary.
This is a unique pigment product line in Europe, backed by three technologies. After all, it matters what is implanted into your skin.
Hanami Pigments are the highest quality permanent makeup blends that use innovative technologies to meet the quality standards of health-safe products and achieve the best results after the pigment spots heal.
Technologies used in Hanami pigments:
Narrow Band Dispersion Technology. Hanami blends are created based on narrow band dispersion. The optimal pigment particle size is 2 μm. Hanami colors are optimized for a pigment particle size range of 0.5 μm to 5.0 μm, and within this narrow band, they are almost completely constant. This way, maximum pigment deposition and exceptionally high color saturation are achieved in the skin.
Advanced Skin Sealing Technology. The ASS technology used in Hanami blends consists of optimally sealing the injection sites of the blend, preventing excessive pigment leakage with the blood. Thus, more pigment remains in the pigmented areas from the very beginning of the pigmentation process, resulting in excellent work.
Novoxx® technology
Reflective Mineral – Resistant to UV Radiation. The Novoxx® technology is a patented calcium-sodium-phosphorus-silicate technology from a German manufacturer, used in Hanami blends. The Novoxx® material replaces traditional preservatives, which is a huge advantage as more and more preservatives are proven to be allergens. Novoxx® is 100% biocompatible with the human body, and the human body does not recognize it as a foreign substance. It reliably destroys bacteria, yeasts, and fungi. The combination of minerals acts as an antioxidant, protecting the pigments and the skin, and positively affecting wound healing. Compared to traditional preservatives, Novoxx® is stable and does not break down the ingredients used in the blends, so no toxic or allergic breakdown products are formed.
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