
Carbon peeling

If you have oily, acne-prone skin, scars, blackheads or just want to slow down the ageing process, but don’t want fractional laser treatment – because you’re scared of it or can’t recover for a week – we recommend the Carbon Peel treatment.

What is Carbon Peel?

Also known as the Hollywood Peel, this treatment is gentle yet offers solutions to a range of skin problems, resulting in a refreshed, even and smooth complexion. A particular benefit is that you can get back to your daily routine immediately after treatment, with no recovery time.


What is the treatment good for?

The Carbon peel is recommended for all skin types and offers solutions for a wide range of problems on the face, neck and décolleté. The best results are achieved in the reduction of oily skin, blackheads and enlarged pores.

  • Oily, acne-prone skin
  • Large pores
  • Uneven pigmentation or hyperpigmentation
  • Minimize fine lines
  • Minimise acne and acne scars

What result can be expected?

It is important to note that depending on the condition of the skin and the desired result, several treatments are needed, which are carried out every two weeks. The procedure regulates the production of melanin and the laser penetrates the dermis, making the skin more elastic and tightening the pores. For visible results, 4-6 treatments are recommended, but even after just one treatment, the skin is visibly refreshed.

  • Glowing, fresh skin with gentle exfoliation
  • Removal of dead skin cells
  • Removal of blackheads
  • Reduced pores
  • Even skin tone
  • Collagen stimulation
  • Tighter skin

How is the treatment done?

A carbon cream is applied to the cleansed skin, whose fine carbon granules penetrate the pores of the skin. Then,our specialist uses a special YAG laser machine head to scan the black carbon mask over the skin. The high-intensity laser light is absorbed by the black carbon gel, so that the cream is instantly vaporised from the pores by the flash, removing – or “blasting out” – excess sebum, acne-causing bacteria and dead skin cells. The result is clear, inflammation-free skin and tightened pores.


The treatment in pictures:

Pain and risk

The treatment is completely painless, the patient only feels a slight warmth from the laser light pulses. There are no risks and this gentle but effective procedure is recommended for all skin types.


After the treatment, you can return to your daily activities immediately, with no recovery time. You can apply make-up, but you need to pay extra attention to sun protection. Avoid sun exposure for a few weeks and use a sunscreen with a 50 SPF sunscreen.

The Carbon Peel has minimal discomfort and no recovery time, but regular use offers a solution to many skin problems.

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