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Additional recommended treatments
Facial fat grafting
Az arcszobrászat technikájának lényege, hogy a teljes arcra fókuszál és nem a részletekre. Nem egy-egy ráncra, hanem az egész arc fiatalos volumenének visszaállítására koncentrál. A kor előrehaladtával arcunk veszít tónusából, bőrünk petyhüdtebbnek tűnik, vonásaink fiatalos formája, feszessége elvés…
Neauvia Hydro Deluxe
Neauvia Hydro Deluxe A combination of deep hydration and biostimulation Neauvia Hydro Deluxe is a unique biorevitalization product that contains calcium hydroxyapatite particles and amino acids in addition to hyaluronic acid. The product hydrates the skin immediately...
Lenisna and Juvelook hybrid fillersLenisna: A New Generation Biostimulating Hybrid Filler Against Aging and for Preserving YouthDuring the aging process, visible changes primarily appear on our skin. Due to the continuously decreasing amounts of collagen, elastic...
Meta Cell Technology (MCT)
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Exosome therapy
Exosome therapy Exosome therapy Exosomes are gaining more and more attention as a noteworthy ingredient in the cosmetic industry. Exosomes are small vesicles produced inside cells that play a role in intercellular communication. Exosomes in cosmetics can provide...