Laser vaginal rejuvenation
Physiological processes that are part of the female life cycle, hormonal changes with age, childbirth or even significant weight loss can reduce the tone of the vaginal muscles. These changes can often lead to abnormal symptoms such as vaginal distension, atrophy, dryness or involuntary urine leakage. The symptoms can greatly impair quality of life and the enjoyment of sexual activity. Intimate laser treatment can provide a safe, effective and painless solution to quickly resolve these complaints.
Have you ever experienced the following symptoms?
Urine leakage
Vaginal dryness
Painful, uncomfortable sexual act
With the innovative, state-of-the-art Candela CO2RE intimate laser vaginal rejuvenation treatment, we can restore tissue elasticity, firmness and optimal vaginal health without pain or complications in just minutes.
Vaginal rejuvenation, vaginal tightening
Everyone is trying to reduce the symptoms of ageing or the loss of function that comes with ageing in any part of the body, including the vagina. Laser vaginal rejuvenation can provide a solution to these problems.
With age, and especially in women who have given birth more than once, the vagina may become dilated, the elasticity and firmness of its walls may decrease, the muscles of the perineum may become weaker and the physiological function of the vagina may not be optimal. As a result, the pleasure of the sexual act may be significantly reduced.
The aim of laser rejuvenation of the vagina, or laser vaginal rejuvenation, is to address these problems and improve sexual pleasure by restoring the vagina’s condition.
Another common problem is the involuntary leakage of urine, usually triggered by coughing, sneezing, exercising or lifting heavy objects. Laser vaginal rejuvenation may be a solution to reduce the mild symptoms of stress incontinence.
Laser treatment
Our treatment is based on a special fractionated CO2 laser specifically designed for the vaginal mucosa. The procedure can have a beneficial effect in case of the reduction of estrogen levels that are typical during menopause. It can activate the production of collagen, thus enhancing the tone of the vagina. Laser rejuvenation is currently the most effective non-surgical and non-pharmacological method for the prevention and treatment of menopausal vaginal atrophy and post-partum vaginal sagging.
The CO2 laser beam is delivered by a special scanner. The treatment increases the synthesis of collagen and thus the elasticity of the vaginal mucosa. It improves the blood supply to the vagina, its moisture content is increased and the epithelium can become more resistant, toned and elastic. The pH of the vagina can be normalised, which helps to restore its natural defensive function, thus increasing resistance to vaginal infections.
Enhancing the pleasure of the sexual act
Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation is a painless procedure lasting about an hour, designed to increase sexual pleasure for women. Sexual satisfaction is closely linked to the friction during the act. Laser vaginal rejuvenation can improve this. Laser treatment increases the tone, strength and control of the vaginal muscles. It also effectively reduces the external and internal diameter of the vagina and strengthens the muscles of the perineum. The treatment significantly improves the sexual life of the patient.
Urine drip
Laser vaginal rejuvenation is a painless procedure that takes about an hour. It can be aimed at enhancing sexual pleasure. The laser treatment increases the tone of the vaginal muscles. It can effectively reduce the external and internal diameter of the vagina and also strengthen the muscles of the perineum. As a result of the treatment, the sexual life of the patient can be significantly improved.
The laser safely and painlessly acts on the sagging vaginal wall, helping the urogenital structures to function properly, thus reducing urinary leakage complaints.
The tissue regeneration process takes several weeks, but can take effect after the first treatment.
A painless treatment lasting a few minutes with no side effects and no recovery time, restoring elasticity and firmness to the tissues, improving quality of life and sexual intercourse.
What is CO2RE Intima?
CO2RE Intima is a state-of-the-art medical laser system that can non-surgically and painlessly treat women’s urinary leakage and the discomfort of vaginal atrophy, dryness and loosening of the vaginal wall in just a few minutes. The CO2RE Intima delivers computer-controlled laser light to the vagina, stimulating fibroblast cells to produce more collagen, improving the tone, firmness, elasticity and appearance of the vaginal wall and skin.
Has CO2RE Intima been clinically tested?
Recent results from a hospital-based study evaluating the effects of vaginal rejuvenation laser treatment for premenopausal women have shown improvements and high satisfaction in sexual intercourse and aesthetic appearance among women in the study. A multi-site study is currently underway in the United States to evaluate the effects of intimate laser treatment for postmenopausal women.
Can CO2RE Intima be used to treat vaginal wall laxity?
Loss of vaginal sensation and tone can be a consequence of vaginal childbirth and ageing. Over time, the vaginal wall and the entrance to the vaginal canal, which contain collagen fibres, can stretch and lose the firmness and elasticity of the vaginal tissue. As a result of CO2RE Intima laser treatment, these tissue fibres are remodelled and rebuilt, restoring the elasticity and shape of the vaginal wall.
Can CO2RE Intima be used to change the appearance of the vaginal area?
CO2RE Intima laser treatment can reshape the tissue fibres of the labia and vulva, restoring its elasticity, firmness and previous appearance. The treatment can improve the firmness, texture and colour of the skin in the area.
Whom the CO2RE Intima treatment recommended for?
The CO2RE Intima treatment is recommended for women who want to relieve vaginal discomfort caused by childbirth and ageing, eliminate problems caused by urine leakage, have a fuller sex life and a more youthful appearance of their external genitalia.
Is it safe?
CO2RE intima offers a solution for many intimate aesthetic procedures. Treatments are safe, effective and painless.
Whom the treatment not recommended for?
Treatment is always preceded by a gynaecological examination. If the gynaecologist finds inflammation, a malignant virginal lesion, pregnancy, menstruation, bleeding disorders, the examination is contraindicated.
How much does the treatment cost?
The price of Candela CO2RE Intima laser vaginal rejuvenation and incontinence treatment is 220,000 Ft per session.
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