Sculptra Butt Lift
Nowadays, almost any area of our body can be rejuvenated or beautified with a medical-aesthetic procedure without surgery, thus avoiding greater pain or the occurrence of possible more serious complications. For a long time, the only way to increase or increase the size of the buttocks was to implant the implant. In addition, a so-called Brazilian buttocks are a common method of shaping the buttocks with their own fat extracted from other parts of the body. However, these are invasive surgical procedures. However, as butt lifting became more popular, methods that did not involve surgery were also developed. One such method is a new technique called “Sculptra buttocks lifting” which is performed by injecting a long-lasting dermal filler. The purpose of this treatment is to make the buttocks rounder and also raise it so that the risk involved is less than during surgical procedures.
What is ‘Sculptra butt lifting’?
Scupltra is a dermal filler containing poly-L-lactic acid that is used to tighten skin and soft tissues. At the injection site, Sculptra stimulates the body’s own production of collagen, so it can be used to restore volume and renew the skin. Most studies have so far looked at the effect of Sculptra on reducing wrinkles on the face (currently the officially accepted indication for Scupltra), but in recent years it has been found that it has also achieved good results in treating the buttocks.
Mivel jár ez a fajta kezelés?
Az injekció beadása előtt a kezelt területet általában lidokain tartalmú krémmel vagy injekcióval érzéstelenítik el. Amint a bőrfelület elzsibbadt, a Sculptrát apró tűszúrásokkal, vagy tompa végű kanüllel injektálják a bőr alá. A fenék kívánt megemelésének mértéke határozza meg a kezelések és a felhasznált ampullák számát. A legtöbb esetben két-három kezelésre van szükség, kezelésenként mintegy másfél-két hónap különbséggel. Mivel a szervezetnek az új kollagénben dús kötőszövet létrehozásához idő kell, ezért nem szabad azonnali hatásra számítani. Bár a változások már hat-héttel a kezelés után észrevehetőek, az optimális eredmény csak körülbelül hat hónap elteltével figyelhető meg az eljárás után.
What does this type of treatment involve?
Prior to injection, the treated area is usually anesthetized with a lidocaine-containing cream or injection. Once the skin surface is numb, Sculptra is injected under the skin with small needle punctures or a blunt-tipped cannula. The amount of bottom lift desired determines the number of treatments and ampoules used. In most cases, two to three treatments are needed, with a difference of about one and a half to two months per treatment. Because the body needs time to form the new collagen-rich connective tissue, no immediate effect should be expected. Although the changes are noticeable as early as six weeks after treatment, the optimal result is only observed about six months after the procedure.
Who are the ideal candidates for ‘Sculptra butt lifting’?
The ideal candidates for treatment are normal weight patients between the ages of 25 and 45 who want to improve the size and firmness of their buttocks.
Who usually uses this treatment?
These treatments are usually applied to those who want their buttocks to be firmer and rounder while maintaining their natural appearance, and the intervention should not involve greater pain or increased risks. These are mostly young women with a sporty lifestyle, who have lost the amount of adipose tissue in the upper buttocks, and thus the roundness of their buttocks, due to regular and intense exercise and the diet that often accompanies it. They often feel that the contours of their buttocks have become more masculine and want to restore feminine lines quickly and with minimal risk. Other patients complain of cellulite and skin elongation, they want firmer and smoother skin.
How long does the effect of recovery and treatment last?
The recovery time is very minimal, as the puncture wounds at the injection site heal quickly in a few days. Complications are rare, such as swelling, bleeding, or the appearance of small lumps. The development of the latter can be prevented by massaging the treated area for the first five days after treatment. Any lumps that may have formed can be removed by your doctor. The results of the treatment can usually last for 18-24 months or even longer.
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