

Endolift® Appointment Endolift® is the latest medical aesthetic procedure, which uses laser energy to provide a highly effective solution for tightening sagging skin on the face and body and removing small, stubborn fat pads. Appointment Lifting treatment with a 1470...
EJAL 40 treatment – skin booster

EJAL 40 treatment – skin booster

EJAL 40 treatment- skin booster Appointment EJAL 40 is an innovative, unique bio-revitalisation formula that uses hyaluronic acid of different molecular weights to enhance cellular activity, skin hydration and the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid....


Nucleofill Appointment Nucleofill is an innovative biotechnology formulation for aesthetic medicine and anti-ageing treatments. This scientifically proven skin-stimulating filler contains polynucleotides that have a triple mechanism to stimulate cellular processes...
Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel Appointment Acid exfoliation is one of the most effective cosmetic treatments of our time, for all those who struggle with aesthetic changes in certain parts of their body (pigment spots, small wrinkles, scars, rosacea). Most often we treat the face,...
Wrinkle Filling

Wrinkle Filling

Wrinkle Filling Appointment Everyone wants to look good and make them feel better. However, when you look in the mirror and see the wrinkles on your face, deep pits, and magpies around your eyes that no doubt indicate the passage of time, you may no longer be happy...