
HIFU Treatment

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU, or sometimes FUS for Focused UltraSound) is a medical procedure that applies high-intensity focused ultrasound energy to locally heat for a lifting result on the skin.

HIFU is Natural. Non-Invasive. The HIFU procedure has been established to be safe and effective. Ultrasound energy has a proven track record, with use in the field of medicine for more than 50 years. We only use licensed medical and nursing professions, who have been through in depth training and have the knowledge to make your treatment a success!

HIFU is a new type of non-surgical, non-invasive procedure similar to Ulthera therapy which uses focused ultrasound and the face’s own natural healing process to lift, tone, and tighten loose skin on the brow, neck, under the chin, and even the décolletage (upper chest area).

With HIFU you will avoid the uncomfortable feeling of the downtime or foreign substances; just a healthy revving-up on the inside for a natural skin lifting and noticeable skin tightening effect on the outside.


  • Reducing fine to deep wrinkles
  • Under eye troughs, bags and dark circles
  • Skin lifting
  • Tighter, better-fitting skin, including your neck.
  • Reducing lipohifu (Lipohifu)
  • It’s the lift without the surgery!


A Unlike lasers, which penetrate the skin from the outside-in, the HIFU procedure by passes the surface of the skin, and delivers targeted energy specifically into the deep, structural tissues and muscles where collagen lives.

By stimulating the deep structural support layers of the skin, a natural, regenerative response is initiated, stimulating the growth of new collagen, which lifts and tightens the skin over time.

Because ultrasound technology actually works non-invasively from the inside-out, results build gradually over 2-3 months, and can continue to improve up to 6 months after the procedure.


How long is the treatment?

Each session is dependent on the treatment area, but we advise around 30 minutes per area. Your treatment will be tailored to your individual requirements which will be discussed in your pre-treatment consultation. Additional time will be required if you require more areas.


Fájdalmas a kezelés?

A HIFU kezelés járhat kellemetlen fájdalommal, de a legtöbb esetben csak szurkáló, meleg érzetről számolnak be a páciensek. Csont felett a fókuszált ultrahang által keltett hőhatás a csonthártyában lévő idegeket ingerelve fokozhatja a fájdalomérzetet.


Lehet-e mellékhatása a kezelésnek?

A kezelésnek lehetnek mellékhatásai, de a kezelésben jártas, anatómiai ismeretekkel rendelkező orvos által végzett beavatkozás esetén ennek kockázata minimális. Nem megfelelően képzett szakember esetén jelentősen nőhet az élettani szempontból fontos szervek, mint például a pajzsmirigy, nyálmirigyek, idegek, erek stb. sérülése. Szerencsére a legtöbb ilyen esetben ezek a kellemetlen mellékhatásoknem súlyosak és átmenetiek.


Results we can achieve with High Intensity Focused Ultrasound:

A kezelés után a kollagén szerkezetének megváltozása miatt már látható azonnali lifting, amely azonban fokozatosan jobb lesz a következő hónapokban az újonnan termelődött kollagén miatt.
Egy arc kezelés hatására akár 4-8 évvel fiatalabbnak nézhetünk ki. Csökken a ráncok száma, azok mélysége, a bőr megfiatalodik, feszesebb lesz és megemelkedik.
Look Between 4 – 8 Years Younger with One Treatment

Improves & Tightens Sagging Skin

Wrinkle Reduction

Nasonabial Fold Reduction

Acne Reduction

Skin Rejuvenation


How Long Do Results Last?

Individual results will differ, however on average a minimum of 18 months to two years.


How Many Treatments Are Required?

One treatment is usually sufficient on light to moderate skin laxity.

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